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Value Engineering

Value engineering

“Value Engineering” is the application of exactly the same set of techniques to a new product at the design stage project concept or preliminary design when no hardware exists to ensure that bad features not added.
‘VA’ and ‘VE’ are closely related terms so much so that many people use them interchangeably. Value analysis is remedial process. Value Engineering is a ‘preventive’ measure. In that sense, ‘VE’ is fundamental and VA is collateral because ‘prevention is better than cure.”


The aims of value engineering are as follows:
      • Simplify the product.
      • Use (new) cheaper and better materials.
      • Modify and improve product design.
      • Use efficient processes.
      • Reduce the product cost.
      • Increase the utility of the product by economical means.
      • Save money or increase the profits.

Value Engineering Procedure

The basic steps of value engineering are as follows:
      • Identify the product.
      • Collect relevant information.
      • Define different functions.
      • Differentiate alternatives.
      • Critically evaluate the alternatives.
      • Develop the best alternative.
      • Implement the alternative.

Step 1: Identify the product. First, identify the component for study. In future, any design change should add value and it should not make the product as obsolete one. Value engineering can be applied to a product as a whole or to sub-units.

Step 2: Collect relevant information. Information relevant to the following must be collected:
  • Technical specifications with drawings
  • Production processes, machine layout and instruction sheet
  • Time study details and manufacturing capacity
  • Complete cost data and marketing details
  • Latest development in related products

Step 3: Define different functions. Identify and define the primary, secondary and tertiary functions of the product or parts of interest. Also, specify the value content of each function and identify the high cost areas.

Step 4: Different alternatives. Knowing the functions of each component part and its manufacturing details, generate the ideas and create different alternatives so as to increase the value of the product. Value engineering should be done after a brain storming session. All feasible or non-feasible suggestions are recorded without any criticism; rather, persons are encouraged to express their views freely.

Difference between value analysis and value engineering

Value analysis
Value engineering
Value analysis is the applications of a set of techniques to an existing product with a view to improve its value
Value engineering is the
application of exactly the
same set of techniques to
a new product at a design
Value Analysis is thus a remedial process
Value engineering is thus a
preventive process

Advantages of value engineering

  • It is much faster than other cost reduction techniques
  • It is less expensive than other techniques
  • It reduces production costs

Applications of value engineering

Value engineering is used in machine tool industries, industries making accessories for machine tools, auto industries, import substitutes, etc.