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Value Analysis

Value Analysis

According to Society of American Value Engineers “Value analysis is the systematic application of recognized techniques which identify the function of a product or service, establish a monetary value for the function and provide the necessary function reliability at the lowest overall cost”.
It is a creative approach to eliminate the unnecessary costs which add neither to quality nor to the appearance of the product.

Value analysis applied, when
  • Company’s products show decline in sales.
  • Company’s prices are higher than those of its competitors.
  • Raw materials cost has grown disproportionate to the volume of production.
  • New designs are being introduced.
  • The cost of manufacture is rising disproportionate to the volume of production.
  • Rate of return on investment has a falling trend.
  • Inability of the firm to meet its delivery commitments.


The term ‘value’ is used in different ways. The designer equates value with reliability; purchase people with price paid for them; production personnel with that of cost from the angle of manufacture; sales people with what customer is willing to pay.

In the field of value investigation, value refers to economic value, which itself can be sub-divided into four types.

Cost Value” is the measure of sum of all costs incurred in producing the product. The ‘cost value’, therefore is the sum of raw-material cost, labour cost, tool cost and overheads expended to produce the product.

Exchange Value” is the measure of all the properties, qualities and features of the product which make the product possible of being traded for another product or for money. In a conventional sense, ‘exchange value’ refers to the price that a purchaser will offer for the product, the price being dependent upon the satisfaction value which derives from the product.

Use Value” is the measure of properties, qualities and features which make the product accomplish a use, work or service. Use value, therefore, is the price paid by the buyer or the cost incurred by the manufacturer in order to ensure that the product performs its intended function efficiently.

Esteem Value” is the measure of properties, features, attractiveness graphic packaging and the like which increases sales appeal or which attracts customers and create in them a strong desire to own the product.