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Hydraulic dynamometer | Fluid Friction Dynamometer

Hydraulic or Fluid Friction Dynamometer 

A rotating disk that is fixed to the driving shaft, Semi-elliptical grooves are provided on the disc through which a stream of water flows. There is a casting which is stationary and the disc rotates in this casing.

When the driving shaft rotates, water flow is in a helical path in the chamber. Due to vortices and eddy-currents setup in the water, the casting tends to rotate in the same direction as that of the driving shafts.

By varying the amount of water, the braking action is provided. Braking can also be provided by varying the distance between the rotating disk and the casting.The absorbing element is constrained by a force-measuring device placed at the end of the arm of radius r.
Working principle of fluid friction dynamometer
Hydraulic Dynamometer