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Continuous process improvement
Continuous Process Improvement (CPI)

Quality-based organizations should strive to achieve perfection by continuously improving the business and production processes.

Improvement made by
ü Viewing all work as a process
ü Making all processes effective, efficient and adaptable
ü Expecting the change in customer needs
ü Maintaining constructive dissatisfaction
ü Eliminating waste and rework
ü Investigating activities that do not add value to the product
ü Eliminating nonconformities in all phases
ü Using benchmarking to improve competitive advantage
ü Innovating to achieve breakthroughs
ü Incorporating lessons learned into future activities
ü Using technical tools  - SPC, QFD, experimental design etc.

Continuous process improvement is designed to utilize the resources of the organization to achieve a quality-driven culture

Process refers to business and production activities of an organization.

Five basic ways for improvement:
·          Reduce resources.
·          Reduce errors.
·          Meet or exceed expectations of downstream customers.
·          Make the process safer.
               Make the process more satisfying to the person doing it.