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Material Selection for a product

Material selection for a product


Materials are commodities which are used directly or indirectly in producing a product.

Material Selection

The cost of a product is determined by the raw materials. Among the various elements of cost, raw material cost forms a major portion of the total cost of any product.
In choosing the right material, there is not always a single definite attribute of selection. Designers and engineers have to take into account a large number of material selection attributes.
       These attributes can be broken into the following areas.
(a) Material Properties: Expected level of performance from the material
(b) Material Cost: Material must be available at a cheaper price
(c) Material availability: Should be easily available
(d) Processing: Should be easily machinable
(e) Environment: The environmental factors should not affect the raw material

Material selection procedure

Translation: Express design requirements as constraints and objectives.
Screening: Eliminate materials that cannot do the job.
Ranking: Find the materials that can do the job best.
Selection: Select and verify the supporting materials.