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Single Payment Compound Amount

Single-Payment Compound Amount

Here, the objective is to find the single future sum (F) of the initial payment (P) made at time 0 after n periods at an interest rate i compounded every period.
Cash flow diagram of single-payment compound amount
The formula to obtain the single-payment compound amount is
F = P (1 + i)n = P (F/P, i, n)
(F/P, i, n) is called as single-payment compound amount factor.

Example problem for single- payment compound amount

A person deposits a sum of Rs 50,000 at the interest rate of 10% compounded annually for 10 years. Find the maturity value after 10 years.

Given data
P = Rs. 50,000
i = 10%
n = 10 years
To find
Formula used
F = P (F/P, i, n)
F          = P (F/P, i, n)
                        = 50,000 (F/P, 10%, 10)
                        = 50,000 * 2.594
            F         = Rs. 1,29,700
            The maturity value of Rs.50,000 for 10 year at the interest rate of 10% is Rs. 1,29,700.