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Replacement analysis


It is necessity to maintain the equipment in good operating conditions with economical cost. The organizations need an integrated approach to minimize the cost of maintenance. In certain cases, the equipment will be outdated over a period of time.
If an organization wants to be in the same business competitively, it has to take decision on whether to replace the old equipment or to retain it by taking the cost of maintenance and operation into account.
Mostly retaining the old machine by maintenance would be uneconomical to continue production. Hence, the machines are to be periodically replaced.
Sometimes, the capacity of existing facilities may be inadequate to meet the current demand. Under such situation, the following alternatives will be considered.
Replacement of the existing equipment with a new one.
Augmenting the existing one with an additional equipment.

Types of Replacements

Replacements can be classified into two categories:
(a) Replacement of assets that deteriorate with time (Replacement due to gradual failure, or wear and tear of the components of the machines).
This can be further classified into the following types:
(i) Determination of economic life of an asset.
(ii) Replacement of an existing asset with a new asset.
(b) Simple probabilistic model for assets which fail completely (replacement due to sudden failure).