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Twyman-green specialization of michelson interferometer
Twyman-green specialization of michelson interferometer

*    Twyman-Green modified Michelson interferometer utilises a pin-hole source diaphragm and collimating lenses.

*    In this way, all rays are rendered parallel to the central rays and thus all rays describe the same path.

*    All modern two-beam interferometers are based on this arrangement. The mirrors M1 and M2 are arranged perpendicular to the optical axis.

*    If mirror M1 is kept fixed and M2 is moved slowly exactly parallel to itself, the observer will note periodic changes in the intensity of the field being viewed, from bright to dark for every λ/2 movement of the mirror.

*    In fact intensity variation is found to be sinusoidal.

*    It may also be noted that if one of the mirrors is even slightly inclined to the optical axis then parallel fringes will be seen moving parallel to themselves by just one fringe for every λ/2 (half the wavelength of the light source used) mirror motion.

*    Usually it is quite difficult to count such fringes by eye.

*    However, photo detectors connected to high speed counters can do this job very accurately (accuracy of one part in million being obtainable).

It is possible to calibrate the output of counter directly in terms of the linear movement of the mirror M2, but several conditions must be met to achieve these results.