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Protractor, Vernier bevel protractor & Optical bevel protractor

A simple protractor consists of a blade that pivots about a semi-circular head that is graduated in angular units (e.g., degrees, radians). To use, the blade is rotated to a position corresponding to some part angle to be measured and the angle is read off the angular scale.

Vernier Bevel Protractor
            It is probably the simplest instrument for measuring the angle between two faces of component. It consists of a base plate attached to the main body, and an adjustable blade which is attached to a circular plate containing vernier scale.
The adjustable blade is capable of rotating freely about the centre of the main scale engraved on the body of the instrument and can be locked in any position. An acute angle attachment is provided at the top as shown in Fig. for the purpose of measuring acute angles.

The base of the base plate is made flat so that it could be laid flat upon the work and any type of angle measured. It is capable of measuring from 0 to 360°. The vernier scale has 24 divisions coinciding with 23 main scale divisions. Thus the least count of the instrument is 5′. This instrument is most commonly used in workshops for angular measurements till more precision is required.
Read off directly from the main scale the number of whole degrees between 0 on this scale and the 0 of the vernier scale. Then count, in the same direction, the number of spaces from the zero on the vernier scale to a line that coincides with a line on the main scale; multiply this number by 5 and the product will be the number of minutes to be added to the whole number of degrees.
For example: Zero on the vernier scale has moved 28 whole degrees to the right of the 0 on the main scale and the 3th line on the vernier scale coincides with a line upon the main scale as  indicated. Multiplying 3 by 5, the product, 15, is the number of minutes to be added to the whole number of degrees, thus indicating a setting of 28 degrees and 15 minutes.

Different angular measurements by vernier bevel protractor:

Universal Bevel Protractor
It is used for measuring and laying out of angles accurately and precisely within 5 minutes. The protector dial is slotted to hold a blade which can be rotated with the dial to the required angle and also independently adjusted to any desired length. The blade can be locked in any position.

Optical Bevel Protractor
In the case of optical bevel protector, it is possible to take readings up to approximately 2 minutes of arc. The provision is made for an internal circular scale which is graduated in divisions of 10 minutes of arc.
Readings are taken against a fixed index line or vernier by means of an optical magnifying system which is integral with the instrument. The scale is graduated as a full circle marked 0—90—0—90. The zero positions correspond to the condition when the blade is parallel to the stock. Provision is also made for adjusting the focus of the system to accommodate normal variations in eye-sight. The scale and vernier are so arranged that they are always in focus in the optical system