Recent Trends in Cars


Recent trends in bikes

Need of Inspection
Need of Inspection
1.      To ensure that the part, material or a component conforms to the established standard.
2.      To meet the interchangeability of manufacture.
3.      To maintain customer relation by ensuring that no faulty product reaches the customers.
4.      Provide the means of finding out shortcomings in manufacture. The results of inspection are not only recorded but forwarded to the manufacturing department for taking necessary steps, so as to produce acceptable parts and reduce scrap.
5.      It also helps to purchase good quality of raw materials, tools, equipment which governs the quality of the finished products.
6.      It also helps to co-ordinate the functions of quality control, production, purchasing and other departments of the organization.
To take decision on the defective parts i.e., to judge the possibility of making some of these parts acceptable after minor repairs.