Recent Trends in Cars


Recent trends in bikes

Limit Gauges

·         A limit gauge is not a measuring gauge. Just they are used as inspecting gauges.
·         The limit gauges are used in inspection by methods of attributes.
·         This gives the information about the products which may be either within the prescribed limit or not.
·         By using limit gauges report, the control charts of P and C charts are drawn to control invariance of the products.
·         This procedure is mostly performed by the quality control department of each and every industry.
·         Limit gauges are mainly used for checking for cylindrical holes of identical components with a large numbers in mass production.
Purpose of using limit gauges
·         Components are manufactured as per the specified tolerance limits, upper limit and lower limit. The dimension of each component should be within this upper and lower limit.
·         If the dimensions are outside these limits, the components will be rejected.
·         If we use any measuring instruments to check these dimensions, the processes will consumemoretime.Stillwearenotinterestedinknowingtheamountoferrorin dimensions.
·         It is just enough whether the size of the component is within the prescribed limits or not. For this purpose, we can make use of gauges known as limit gauges.
The common types are as follows: