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Accuracy And Precision
Accuracy and Precision
            Accuracy of a measuring system is defined as the closeness of the instrument output to the true value of the measured quantity.

            Precision is defined as the ability of the instrument to reproduce a certain set of readings within a given accuracy

Accuracy refers to the level of agreement between the actual measurement and the absolute measurement.
Precision implies the level of variation that lies in the values of several measurements of the same factor.
How closely results agree with the standard value?
How closely the results agree with one another?
Degree of conformity
Degree of reproducibility
Single factor
Multiple factors
Measure of
Statistical bias
Statistical variability
Concerned with
Systematic Error
Random Error

Differences between Accuracy and Precision:

Sl. No.
It is the closeness with true value of the quantity being measured
It is measure of reproducibility of the measurements
The accuracy of the measurements means conformity to truth
The term precise means clearly or sharply defined
Accuracy can be improved
Precision cannot be improved
Accuracy depends upon simple techniques of analysis
Precision depends upon many factors and requires many sophisticated techniques of analysis
Accuracy is necessary but not sufficient condition for precision
Precision is necessary but not sufficient condition for Accuracy

Factors affecting the accuracy of the Measuring System:
The basic components of an accuracy evaluation are the five elements of a measuring system such as:
• Factors affecting the calibration standards
• Factors affecting the workpiece.
• Factors affecting the inherent characteristics of the instrument.
• Factors affecting the person, who carries out the measurements,
• Factors affecting the environment.

1. Factors affecting the Standard:
It may be affected by:
·         Coefficient of thermal expansion
·         Calibration interval
·         Stability with time
·         Elastic properties
·         Geometric compatibility

2. Factors affecting the Work piece:
These are:
·         Cleanliness
·         Surface finish, waviness, scratch, surface defects etc.,
·         Hidden geometry
·         Elastic properties, adequate datum on the workpiece
·         Arrangement of supporting workpiece
·         Thermal equalization etc.

3. Factors affecting the inherent characteristics of Instrument:
·         Adequate amplification for accuracy objective
·         Scale error
·         Effect of friction, backlash, hysteresis, zero drift error
·         Deformation in handling or use, when heavy work pieces are measured
·         Calibration errors
·         Mechanical parts (slides, guide ways or moving elements)
·         Repeatability and readability
·         Contact geometry for both work piece and standard.

4. Factors affecting person:
·         Training, skill
·         Sense of precision appreciation
·         Ability to select measuring instruments and standards
·         Sensible appreciation of measuring cost
·         Attitude towards personal accuracy achievements
·         Planning measurement techniques for minimum cost, consistent with precision requirements etc.

5. Factors affecting Environment:
·         Temperature, humidity etc.
·         Clean surrounding and minimum vibration enhance precision
·         Adequate illumination
·         Temperature equalization between standard, work piece and instrument
·         Thermal expansion effects due to heat radiation from lights
·         Heating elements, sunlight and people
·         Manual handling may also introduce thermal expansion

Higher accuracy can be achieved only if, all the sources of error due to the above five elements in the measuring system are analyzed and steps taken to eliminate them. The above analysis of five basic metrology elements can be composed into the acronym SWIPE, for convenient reference where, S –STANDARD W –WORKPIECE I –INSTRUMENT P –PERSON E –ENVIRONMENT